Real Estate Agents: What Stops Your Scroll?
If your content calendar could use a little refresh, I have a pro tip to share!
The next time you’re scrolling through Instagram or tapping through Stories—or wherever you spend yourtime online these days—observe yourself.
What do you scroll right past because it’s boring?
What catches your attention and makes you pause?
This probably sounds really basic and, well, “duh.” But I think most of us are probably guilty of posting something that we actually find boring, but are hoping others won’t.
And sure, there are exceptions. But taking time to observe what YOU find interesting is a great way to gauge what will stop the scroll for others, too.
Below I’ve listed out a few questions and observations you can make. FYI there are no right or wrong answers! And as my therapist says, “Right now, we are just noticing.”
What post formats make you pause? Are there any formats you’re guaranteed to swipe right past? (Videos? Carousels? Galleries?)
What types of posts make you roll your eyes a little? What subjects turn you off?
If a post has a call to action like “Comment _word_ below and I’ll DM you the think” or “Follow my link in bio,” how likely are you to follow up for more info? (And if you do follow up, what type of content is juicy enough to make you click?)
What type of graphic design makes you pause? Bright colors and bold lettering? Or something more neutral and elegant?
If you’re saving posts, what types of posts do you save and why?
How often do you read captions, and which posts make you want to read more?
If you’re looking through Stories, what types of posts make you pause? Is it someone talking on video? (And does it matter if there are captions?) Is it a post with a ton of text? Is it pictures of someone’s family? Etc.
These are just a few ideas. You could even take notes while you do this, and keep them on hand to refer to the next time you’re working on your content plan.
Sending you creative vibes!