Need Real Estate Blog Post Ideas? Here Are 10 Smart Brainstorming Tips

I’ve met so many real estate agents who want to blog or create other types of content (videos, podcasts, Instagram Stories, etc.), but they’re just not sure where to start. One of the biggest hurdles to starting a blog can be deciding what topics to focus on, and for those who have been blogging for awhile now, it can be hard to know where to turn to for new ideas.

If you need to get your creative juices flowing again, you’ll find 10 brainstorming tips below that are sure to help you get your real estate blog back on track!


Brainstorming Tip #1: Have a place to collect all of your ideas.

This first tip is key! It might seem pretty basic, but none of this will work unless you can actually remember your brilliant blog post ideas. When it’s time to sit down and finally write, you’ll want all of your ideas easily accessible in one place.

Create a note on your phone where you can jot down ideas, or get a real notebook (a small one is best) that you’ll always have with you. And when you get an idea, get in the habit of writing it down ASAP.

Brainstorming Tip #2: Write what you know.

What are you an expert in? What is your niche?

Do you specialize in condos (or would you like to work more with condo buyers/sellers)? Then write about condos. What are some new condo buildings you’re excited about? What are your favorite condo buildings in the city? What condos allow pets? What do people always ask you about condos, or what’s a common condo-related issue that’s constantly coming up?

Focus on things you already know a lot about to show off your expertise and build trust with potential clients.

Brainstorming Tip #3: Write what you don’t know.

Writing a blog post can be a great “excuse” to learn about something new. Is there something you’ve been wondering about, or do clients keep asking you the same question, and you’re not sure what the answer is?

Make it your mission to find out everything there is to know about the new zoning laws that everyone’s confused about, or find out about that mystery development and be the first one to break the story. You’ll probably have to do a little digging, but being the first to talk about something is a great way to become a valuable resource (and great for your website’s SEO, too!).

Writing about something you don’t know about also creates an excellent opportunity to reach out to people who you wouldn’t normally have a reason to reach out to. You might be able to interview a city council member, a local business person, or other prominent members of the community who are happy to have the exposure.

Brainstorming Tip #4: Write about what you love.

If you’re naturally interested in something, you’re much more likely to create quality content about it. When someone is truly interested in the thing they’re talking about, their enthusiasm is contagious, and it makes for a much more engaging experience when you can tell they’re genuinely into the topic at hand.

Let’s say you love snowboarding and you hit the slopes every chance you get. You might be wondering something like “But what does snowboarding have to do with real estate?”

Your snowboarding passion is the perfect opportunity for you to create some amazing content that will show off your expertise and connect you to other likeminded folks. Even if snowboarding is the thing that just breaks the ice. Here are just a few snowboarding-related ideas that come to mind:

  • My 3 Favorite Places to Ski & Snowboard Less Than 2 Hours From Seattle

  • Get to Know Your Neighbors: 4 Ski & Snowboard Clubs in Seattle

  • Top 3 Places in Seattle to Shop for Snowboarding Gear

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! You can show off why Seattle is a great place to live for people who like to spend as much time on the slopes as possible, while at the same time allowing people to “get to know you” and build trust with you before they reach out to hire you as their real estate agent.

Brainstorming Tip #5: What are your favorite things about your city?

If you had someone visiting your city for the first time, what would you want them to see? What are your favorite hangouts, and what are the tourist sites that are worth visiting? This is a content goldmine!

For example, I have a serious sweet tooth. I could easily take people on an ice cream tour of Seattle (where I live), or on a tour of the city’s best macarons. Suddenly you have some great content here:

  • 5 Must-Visit Ice Cream Shops in Seattle

  • Where to Get the Best Macarons in Seattle

  • Have a Sweet Tooth? Here Are 7 Not-to-Miss Dessert Spots in Seattle

These can easily become blog posts, but this would also make a great video tour, too.

Brainstorming Tip #6: What are other agents and brokerages writing about?

Check out a few other brokerage and agent websites and make note of the types of content that they’re publishing. Of course, this isn’t so you can copy them—it’s so you can see where you might be able to fill in the gaps, and also so you can make sure that your content is unique from what they’re publishing. Don’t do what everyone else is doing! Seeing what agents in your city and what agents in other cities and states are blogging about can be inspiring for your own content calendar.


Brainstorming Tip #7: What are local publications writing about?

This is similar to #6, except this time you’re going to take a look at local magazines and websites to see what the hot topics are. And once you’ve covered all of those, take a dive back into the archives and read headlines. Again, this isn’t so you can copy them—use this as a jumping off point and to inspire your own ideas.

Brainstorming Tip #8: What are people around you talking about?

What types of recommendations are people asking for on Facebook? What’s the latest restaurant or business in town that everyone’s excited about? What city developments or closures are stressing people out? Keep your ear to the ground.

Brainstorming Tip #9: Ask questions.

Post on Facebook that you’re brainstorming blog post ideas, and ask for your audience’s input. Ask them what they want to know or have been struggling to find. Maybe they’re on a quest for an amazing vegan restaurant, maybe they need ideas for where to take their out-of-town relatives, maybe they’re tired of their gym routine and need a new workout suggestion. Answering these questions all make great blog post ideas.

Brainstorming Tip #10: What’s your unique perspective on a current local issue?

Maybe it’s interest rates, or maybe it’s the state of the national economy and how it is directly affecting your city. Whatever the topic might be, avoid rehashing information that’s already out there and provide your own unique perspective.

The “opinion” category of content is probably the scariest type of content for most people. It can be intimidating to put your opinion out there—what if you’re wrong, or what if people disagree with you and then don’t want to work with you? These things might happen, but sharing your opinion and unique perspective will set you apart from the herd. Share the facts behind your perspective, ask questions, and invite others to share their own thoughts and opinions. It’s all about creating space for conversation, making connections, and building trust with your audience!

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